1. CDIX does not support Trunk Port or Mapping VLANs to CDIX switches
2. Each CDIX member can only advertise the minimum / 24 (ipv4) and /48 (ipv6) prefix of their respective Autonomous System Number (ASN) (not permitted by IP Transit)
3. Each CDIX member must disable Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Proxy on the Router interface leading to CDIX
4. CDIX will activate Media Access Control (MAC) Address filtering connected to each CDIX member router. Only one MAC Address is allowed for each port connected to each router member. CDIX members must inform the Network Operations Center (NOC) via email when there are changes to the MAC Address Router By default CDIX only receives a maximum of 100 prefixes from each Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer to each member. Please let us know if the advertise prefix number exceeds 100 prefixes
5. Please to disable check on first-ASN. Because there are routers like Huawei ("undo check-first-as") and Cisco equipment ("no BGP enforce-first-as") which by default activates the function.
6. BGP Community, Route Server supports BGP community. Here is the community that applies in CDIX:
0:….(peer as) -> Used when the client will not advertise to one of the specified axes
rt,0,….(peer as) -> Used when the client will not advertise to one of the specified axes